Speaking of which, let me catch you up on her birth and growth:
Hazel Marilla and her mommy face to face for the very first time.
Meeting "Popsy"
Going home
"Mango" is the Baby Whisperer
Hazel and Mommy at 1 month
Easter--2 months old
Three and 1/2 months old
Liking "tummy time" much more now
Jumparoos are fun!
We only get to go up there every 6-8 weeks, and she changes so fast! Dawn has a tiny house, so we always have to stay in a motel, and that gets expensive after a while, even with deals. My hope is to semi-retire next summer, put the house on the market, and move to VA. I can't stand her having her grow up so far from us, and Dawn could use the help. She's a great mom, but times like a month ago when they were both sick, can be overwhelming when you're a single parent. Just gotta convince the hubs. Moving again at our age is a daunting thought, and no fun, but I really want to be a bigger part of Hazel's life.
Haven't been sewing much, just working on the drapes for Hazel's room--which are taking forever! Never try to make drapes long distance. It just doesn't work. Hope to get those finished soon so I can get back to doing what I really love--cutting up fabrics and putting them back together again!