Sunday, November 04, 2012

Hallowe'en 2012

Winds from Hurricane Sandy changed the plans a little, but the parts that got left out can be set up next year. I didn't get a single pumpkin carved this year; as it was, I got the last cobweb strung up at 10 minutes to four that afternoon. It was just enough time to jump in the shower, put on some black clothing, and get all the lights turned on, lit, placed and whatever.

Here are some of the scenes from the night:


My sort-of them was "abandoned house". Earlier in the week, my "adult" skeletons had been sitting on the delapidated lawn swing Jack and DD had bought me many years ago, while shorter skeletons were riding the tricycle planter. For the big night, the swing was shown in its true collapsed state, and the tricycle overturned, with pumpkins smashed around, and cobwebs everywhere.




Loved how this guy threw shadows onto the side of the house:
We didn't get as many Trick-or-Treaters (ToTs) as in some years, but it was the middle of the week, and it had been really windy from Hurricane Sandy, so many went down to Main Street. However, we have a loyal following, and the night brought many kidlets who come year after year. For the second year in a row, the couple who sold us the house have come back with their twin daughters to see the place.
No less than 5 neighbors have remarked on how late I was at getting set up this year! Two separate groups have vowed to come help when I get too old and decrepit to do this anymore. I'm counting on their loyalty, as I had a little vandalism for the first time in the 10 Hallowe'ens I've been here. I'm pretty sure who did it, and fortunately, the damage wasn't permanent, but I found it disheartening that after all the time, effort, and expense that went into this display, someone would try to destroy it. I briefly considered giving up and not doing this anymore. Frankly, traipsing all over my uneven yard, getting up and down ladders, and making my way in and out of the crawlspace is killer on my knees.  No one but my husband knows how much work goes into this year after year, and bless his heart, he and the dog and the house have been neglected far too long.
But as a friend posted on my FB entry, "don't let them win." So I think I'm going to let some of my neighbors know about the vandalism and maybe pressure will be brought on the perpetrator to confess. I know just how I'm going to have him make amends.


AnnieO said...

Ooh, love the witch's legs sticking out from the garage door, and all the skeletons lying about. Spooky and fun! Hope you do take up your neighbors' offers of help in the future--no need to wrack your body when there are others willing to do so! The vandalism is maddening and despicable.

Pokey said...

Yeah for the faithful followers, Miss Stephanie! You did have a lovely theme going on, spooky shadows and all.
We had more ToT's that the last 4 years that we have lived here. I love seeing the little guys ~

Lori said...

I too love the witches legs caught under the door! I've been waiting and watching for your pictures. Sorry to hear about the vandalism, phooey on them. I know how much you love this holiday--enlist the friends and neighbors. Did you have scarey music playing again?? Any pictures of you "in costume"??