It is such a relief to see them go. I was beginning to dislike the sight of them, just because they have been partially boxed in my living room since April, and I didn't want that to be my memory of them. But it feels much better to have those boxes gone. I mean, I already have about 15 bins of fabric and a 6 ft table in there. Obviously, we don't use the living room! I try to keep it as neat as possible, since it's just right there when anyone walks in, but hey, I need the space.
With the help of a friend who buys auction lots and resells items, and pieces from my deceased mother-in-law and grandparents, I have accumulated quite a lot of crocheted doilies. I remember them being all over my grandmothers' and great-grandmothers' houses, on tables and arms of sofas, etc. and haven't seen them used that way for decades. But an acquaintance of mine mentioned she was looking for some to hang on her wall. That was an intriguing idea, so I searched Pinterest and look what I found: (click on the pics to go to the site and see the whole picture)

Aren't these amazing? I anxious to try my hand at some of these. Someone in my Buy Nothing group was gifting some small canvasses, which I was happy to receive. I'm thinking of maybe painting a couple and making wall hangings for my bedroom. I have a quart jar of old buttons, too, which would go well with this. Since I still can't sew, because of the double vision in my eye, as well as the worsening cataract, I'm thinking (once Halloween is over) this would help feed my creative needs for a while.
Next visit with my ophthalmologist is October 8, and I'm hoping we will finally be able to set a surgery date. Then roughly another month til it's all healed and we can get an accurate vision test for a new pair of glasses. The current prescription is already almost 4 years old, so I wasn't seeing my sharpest even before the eye issues! Keeping my fingers crossed!