Remember my dog, Tandi?
Well, we had to put Tandi down in April, a month before her 15th birthday. Six months ago today, actually. She was almost 3 years old when we got her from the cocker rescue group, but it felt like she'd been with us forever. She was my heart and soul dog, the one who will always live on with me, the one I miss every day. The last year, we had her at the vet so often with one thing after another, I called her my little Energizer bunny, because she kept going, and going, and going.... Finally it was clear that her quality of life had decreased significantly, and the kindest thing was to give her some relief. It was the hardest decision I've ever made, and the only dog I've actually had to make that decision for. I've had them go missing, get stolen, get hit by a car and die in my arms, die when no one was around, but never have I had to make the decision to put one down. It sucks.
A friend of mine had to put one of her dogs down this week. She and her husband had rescued two dogs from a neglectful situation about a year ago, and had given them the lives they deserved. The dogs were so happy not to be chained up any more, to have free run of the fenced in yard, to have a large doghouse that was cool in the summer and heated in the winter, to have decent food to eat, toys (they'd never had toys--didn't know quite what to do with them at first!), and so much love and attention. Then one developed cancer about a month ago, took a sudden turn for the worse this week and there were no other options. The remaining dog is grieving, making such a mournful sound, it breaks all our hearts. I've never had two dogs at a time, so I don't know how to help my friend. It has brought me to tears more than once today.
But, there is a happy side to today's story. Meet Ziva, our newest rescue:

A friend of mine had to put one of her dogs down this week. She and her husband had rescued two dogs from a neglectful situation about a year ago, and had given them the lives they deserved. The dogs were so happy not to be chained up any more, to have free run of the fenced in yard, to have a large doghouse that was cool in the summer and heated in the winter, to have decent food to eat, toys (they'd never had toys--didn't know quite what to do with them at first!), and so much love and attention. Then one developed cancer about a month ago, took a sudden turn for the worse this week and there were no other options. The remaining dog is grieving, making such a mournful sound, it breaks all our hearts. I've never had two dogs at a time, so I don't know how to help my friend. It has brought me to tears more than once today.
But, there is a happy side to today's story. Meet Ziva, our newest rescue:
Someone dropped this sweet, 6-yr-old cockapoo off at a high-kill shelter in another part of VA, and the adoption agency in a nearby town scooped her up. She was already spayed, completely housebroken, knew a few commands, and will flop over and present her tummy for rubbing if you even look her way. She's funny, smart, quirky, and has blessed us so much in the 5 months we've had her. She makes me laugh every day, and although Jack initially wanted another cocker spaniel, I'm really grateful she isn't full-blooded. I think that would have been unfair to a new dog. The vet's office was so excited to meet her, and we all marvel that she has Tandi's coloring; it's like she was meant for us. Maybe Tandi picked her out and sent her our way. I like to think that, anyway. It makes today a little easier.