Thursday, July 29, 2010

Insert Giveaway into blog silence

Sorry to have neglected this little blog and all you great cyber-friends!  Things have been a bit busy here and at work, and I just haven't gotten around to posting--or reading.  I opened the Reader today and there were 369 new posts!

So I'll catch up with posting later, but in the meantime, there's a giveway that I reallllly debated over telling you about--but hey, if I can't win it, next best thing is for one of you to.  It's over at Candace's place--Squash House Quilts--and it's a giveaway tailor-made for me! And once you've registered, take a few minutes and peruse her blog.  She's got some lovely quilts and a flourishing garden and loves to fly-fish with her hubby.

I'll be back after while.


Lori said...

sad story about the nest, men just don't know what a woman wants in a house! We are eating tomatoes out of my garden. The squash bugs are giving my viney stuff hell, sprayed for them twice so far. Have cucumbers too. A few zucchini and peppers. Life is good. We've had WAY too much rain. (can you believe dry South Dakota has too much rain?) Roads washed out, our little flat town had closed roads and streets--people canoeing down the street. We had about 7" last week at our house. No water in the basement, but the lawn and WEEDS are going crazy.

Karen said...

I read your blog and then went "over there" and didn't even comment! I was a little too late but I do love Candace's blog. Hope you are doing well, plotting your Halloween decor :D