Well, as J-man put it, we have one good leg between us.
He had a stroke many years ago that left him paralyzed on one side. He manages remarkably well--til something happens. Last weekend he developed severe pain in the other hip, so much so I couldn't get him down the steps into the car, and had to call a non-emergent transport to get him to the hospital where I worked--as I started my shift. Turns out it wasn't the dislocation or stress fracture I feared, but a bad case of bursitis. ICU (which is right next door to my unit) was nice enough to let me put him in an empty bed til I could finish out my shift and take him home. He's doing much better now, thank goodness. He did leave my cell phone in his hospital gown, and it went through the wash, but hey, it was 3 years old and now I can justify getting a new one.
Then last week, I started having some pain in my knee--the one I DIDN'T injure last May. At first I chalked it up to a new cholesterol med, but it kept getting worse and it's the same pain I had in the knee I sprained. So here I am, on one crutch, on night call for the weekend, but not worried, because I know we're fully staffed. You got it--the hospital called. It was my fault: I should have told them earlier I couldn't take call. My poor patients didn't know quite what to think. But, bless her heart, one of our contract nurses responded to a call from the charge nurse, and I was able to leave by midnight.

I need to do laundry, I need to go get groceries, I need to get these newsletters to the post office today, and Tandi is taking advantage of our joint disabilities to take a vacation from housetraining. BUT--Season 3 of Grey's Anatomy was in the mailbox when I got home. And now I'm off call for the weekend.

Life's little lemons. 8^)
1 comment:
hope you're up and around soon!!
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