Thursday, October 11, 2007

Halloween countdown

Less than 3 weeks to go--starting to get a little antsy here. Not anxious yet, but a bit overwhelmed with all I still need to do. I have lists upon lists, and then I think of something else I want to do, and the lists get rewritten. I was up until after 2 am last night, pulling my bins out, fluffing fabrics and masks in the dryer (no heat, just a fabric softener sheet for the masks) rediscovering what I have and trying to decide where to put it or if it's worth keeping. Then I couldn't turn my head off until after 4am.

Seems we're having a party now. With all the brainstorming on the scenarios, how to build a decontamination tunnel, etc., I think some of my co-workers feel just a bit invested in our plans and want to come see. Some are bringing their kids to go trick-or-treating; with a police officer, a deputy sheriff, an EMT, and the chief of police all living in my neighborhood, you couldn't find a much safer neighborhood to walk around in!

So now I'm seeing my house with different eyes. I've always had more outdoor Halloween decorations than indoor (the reverse is true at Christmas), and all of a sudden, it doesn't look so scary inside. There's a bat in the guest shower:

There are bats by my bedroom door, and outside my dining room window, and spiders on the curtains:

A jack-o-lantern and ghost tree in my kitchen:

On the other hand, this is scary:

Did I mention Tandi is still not quite housebroken?

Time to call the carpet cleaner again.


Hootin Anni said...

LOVE the halloween tree near the table with the jack-o! Do I see a scarecrow outside the window too? Awesome. Now, I love bats...I really do, I think they're very interesting and intelligent creatures....but hubby has a phobia...I could NOT get by with hanging a bat from the shower head....but, boy do I wish I could.

Great post.

MightyMom said...

cool bat in the shower!

too fun! how far are you from Dallas? could we come??

MightyMom said...

well, I came to tell you, you won, but I see you've already picked up your prize! cool new look!!

"this doesn't scare me!"