Sunday, October 28, 2007

Halloween Love Story

When I was young, I sang in our church's youth choir, and as was the case with most youth choirs, there weren't enough guys. Our choir director was still attending the University, so he recruited a friend to come and help out. This friend was a part-time choir director at his own church, though he was only 18. I was 14. This was my J-man, and I had a BAD case of puppy love.

Every girl in the choir wanted to date the J-man. He was cute, with blue eyes and dimples, outgoing, and a very nice person, to boot. So he dated them. Well, not ALL of them. He didn't date ME. But then, I was a nerd, a dork, a kid. So he became the big brother I never had. Between girlfriends, he'd come over and go fishing with us, eat supper at the table with us, take my little brother swimming, etc. I met two of his cousins, Steve and Bill, one my age and one a year younger than me. Steve and I became best buds, but I still had the ga-ga eyes for J-man.

The year I was 16, J-man planned Halloween "socials" for 3 different youth groups at 3 different churches. He needed a cast, and found it in Steve, Bill and me. Steve, who was big into acting and stagework, did all our make-up. J-man was the Vampire, I was (a blond) Vampira, Bill was the corpse, and Steve was the Wolfman. I remember it took HOURS for him to put all that hair on his hands and face. I can't remember our scripts, except there was a lot of hissing and teeth-baring among the subordinates. After the last night, we weren't ready to give it up, so we rode around in J-man's car, scaring other drivers, stopping in at a 7-11 where the lady squealed with delight and took our pictures, making the good times last.

For me, it was more than just a fun night. It was a chance to be on an almost equal standing with the guy I had a crush on, a time to be someone other than the dork I was, a chance to be a part of something that made people laugh and scream at the same time. It was magical.

Four years later, I married the J-man. Bill married a nurse, has 3 biological children, adopted a Down's syndrome daughter, and has a bunch of grandchildren. His oldest daughter, Amy, will be donating a kidney to a family member next Tues. Steve has been married and divorced at least twice, and lost his only child, a son just 18 months older than my DD, when the boy was about 23. These days, he does Santa. J-man and I, well, we have survived cross-country moves, a bankruptcy, a foreclosure, a failed adoption, a catastrophic illness, 36 years of marriage, and a beautiful, strong-willed, redheaded daughter. And we still love Halloween.

P.S. If you like ghost stories, head on over to Hootin' Anni's place


Rosa said...

What a wonderful story! Isn't it wonderful to get what you wait for. Sounds like you married your best friend. Is there nothing better? I think you two will make it. ;-) Thank you for your kind words.

Stephanie D said...

Yes, he was a very good friend before we ever dated, and I think we might make it, but I don't want to take anything for granted!

Anonymous said...

Hey Stephanie!
I visited your blog today and your Halloween love story is awesome! I tried to leave a comment but none of the links are working, even to other blogs. ???
Just thought I'd let you know.

On the comment below, you must be so proud of your girl! Wow, a lawyer! You sound like a good mama. Oh, and I LOVED Kate Winslet's hair in Eternal Sunshine! Oh, if I only had the nerve to go that color!


MightyMom said...

oh my goodness! Thank you for sharing this peek into your life!

I too married my best friend...I told him when we married that we were gonna try it out for 60 years...then decide whether or not to make it permanent! (He was 46 when we married, I was 24).

Libby said...

Now that's a great story . . . thanks for sharing *s*

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful story! Thank you for sharing it. Thank you also for visiting my blog and for your comments about Halloween.


Anonymous said...

wow! a lovely story!!!! its amazing what people go thru and yet still make it through :) boy, you all have been thru some hell and high waters! having a swell husband helps!! the 31st has always been a wonderful event in our family as its my sister's birthday :)
