Thursday, March 19, 2009

You guys are awesome...

This is the email sent out by Shaun Groves about Compassion's Global Food Crisis Day last week:

On March 11th almost 500 of you bloggers and almost 1,000 radio stations partnered with Compassion International to raise awareness and funds to benefit those currently affected by the global food crisis. The one day event was dubbed Global Food Crisis Day and it was a success due in no small part to you.
Compassion International's financial goal for Global Food Crisis Day was to raise $1 million. Instead, over 27,000 donors gave more than $3.1 million! And the number continues to grow as donations continue to be processed!
In addition to donations to Compassion International's Global Food Crisis Fund, more than 2,000 children were also sponsored as a result of the many radio broadcasts and your inspiring words on-line.
I couldn't be more please personally with the many articulate and heartfelt posts you all wrote about the global food crisis. And I'm not the only one who's pleased.
"On behalf of all the children and their families around the world who will be blessed by these funds, ‘thank you.' With the cost of many food staples doubling and tripling in value, you have truly answered a huge need for many." - Mark Hanlon, senior vice president for Compassion International-USA.
Great job! Thank you for using your on-line voice this month to mobilize your readers toward life-changing generosity.

-Shaun Groves

If any of my readers donated or sponsored a child, let me give you a cyber hug and a great big thank you!

And if you need more information about Compassion International, there's a link in my left sidebar under "notions and tools", and each day a child whose birthday is that day and is currently unsponsored appears at the top of the left sidebar. What better birthday gift could that child have than to find someone he or she has never met cares about him or her?

1 comment:

C said...

I've had my Compassion girl since '05. A great program!