Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Movie Trivia Answer 3/21

Several of you guessed this week's answer:

Yep, it was Splash, the 1984 romantic comedy starring Tom Hanks and Darryl Hannah.

Little girls everywhere must have loved that movie, because 12 years later, about the time those little girls started hitting their 20s, "Madison" first showed up on Social Security Administration's list of top 20 girls' names. Beginning in 2000, it has consistently stayed in the top 10, and usually the top 5.

Nancy had a different answer, Hannah and Her Sisters, released in 1986.

I checked, and Hannah first reached the top 20 list in 1994, and has consistently been in the top 10 since 1995. It usually runs neck and neck with Madison. So, although Splash was my answer, I'm going to concede there are two correct answers to this week's movie trivia question.
Congratulations, Nancy--this is a first!

New question on Saturday!


jacquie said...

well, there you go...i do love splash...such a fun movie...my kind to a tee!

Nancy said...

Wow! I'm surprised I got that one - it was just one of those things that popped into my head. Proves that I have to listen to them more often! :) Thanks, Stefanie...