Pinky at Cheese in My Shoe presented this terrific award to me! I am so flattered and honored she chose me for this! Pinky, of the purple hair, is mom to three adorable young 'uns, takes beautiful photos, and writes straight from the heart. Thanks so much, Pinky!
She beat me to the punch in nominating Steph from Conversations with Grace, who is mom to Grace, an incredible little girl, and Sarah from My Wonderful Life, who is a sewing, quilting nurse/mom of three special, cute kids and wife to a straight-talking veteran, so I must now find 5 more friends. Lettie from Polkadot Pineapple also received this award from someone else, or I would have chosen her, too. I'm glad all these folks have received it because they deserved it.
Now, my nominees are:
Mandy from 3 Kids, 2 Jobs, 1 Dog. This single mom is successfully raising 3 lovely daughters against many odds, and is able to do so with a great sense of humor. I love reading about her girls.
Libby from A Simple Girl is constantly fighting off squirrels in a beautiful garden, just welcomed home her daughter from the Air Force, paints lovely stencils on walls, and makes yummy recipes and sweet quilts in her spare time!
Jacquie of Tallgrass Prairie Studio is a teacher who has recently ventured into quilting, and wow! She makes some fun contemporary quilts using lots of color, which I love. You'd never know she was a "novice", as she calls herself.
Penny of Penny Quilts is a guardian ad litem and has some incredible insights into what makes families dysfunctional and how to help them, and makes amazing paper-pieced blocks with the sharpest points ever! Not to mention she has beautiful Samoyeds who sing to her.
Jennifer has a relatively new blog, (since March, as far as I can tell) Gardenymph where she displays photos of her beautiful children, is clearing out her garage to get started back in pottery (and she has a web page of what she's done), is a new quilter, and has started crocheting again. She is such a friendly gal and I think she should move into my geographical neighborhood.
Lori is a Dakota City Quilter, who helps her husband work the farm, volunteers at her Visitors Center, enjoys her new deck and does her quilting on a long arm machine, which is only one of MANY sewing machines she has collected! She is so faithful to set goals for the week and then report what she accomplished. I might have to take notes here!
I'm delighted when my Google reader shows posts from these ladies, because I know I will see some great photos and read bits and pieces of the lives of some creative women. If you go visit their blogs, I think you'll see what I mean!