I'm blown away! Lettie, of
Polkadot Pineapple, has honored me with the Arte y Pico award! Yep, that makes me a two-time winner. Move over, Oscars! I've got something more valuable!
Actually, she did this on 7/11, and it was so close on the heels of my first Oscar, er, Artie, I forgot to mention it. That makes me seem ungrateful, but really, I'm very grateful. I'm grateful for those of you who visit my little scrapbox and play
movie trivia with me and offer suggestions for my quilting dilemmas and like my photos. In the year since I started blogging, I have
swapped Halloween goodies with fellow ghosties,
swapped quiltlets with people from around the world, found (and sometimes tried)
new recipes,
learned new words,
sponsored another little girl, vented, laughed, mused, and cried. My life is so much richer with all you cyber-friends in it. Who knew?
So, since I've been doubly blessed, I will do the same. First, the Arte y Pico:

This is what it means:
What is the meaning of the expression: Arte y Pico
Basically, ironically, it translates into a wonderful phrase in Mexico, “lo maximo.” LOL! It will never find its counterpart in English, but if it HAD to, it would be something like, Wow. The Best Art. Over the top.This is why it's given:
This lovely statue is called the "Arte y Pico" award which was created to be given to bloggers who inspire others with their creative energy and talents no matter whether it be in the form of writing, artwork, design, interesting material, or contributions to the blogger community. When a blogger receives this award it is considered a "special honor" and, once presented to you, it is to be passed on to at least 5 other bloggers who meet the criteria.The rules:
1. You have to pick 5 blogs that you consider deserving of this award.
2. Each award has to have the name of the author and a link to his/her blog to be visited by everyone.
3. Each award winner has to show the award and put the name and link to the blog that presented her/him with the award.
4.The award winner and one who has given the prize have to show the link of "Arte y Pico" blog so everyone will know the origin of this award.
5. To show these rules.Okey dokey.
Here are 5 more bloggers I'd like to send this on to:
Ellia of
Greenbean baby. This is one of the first blogs I ever started reading. Ellia does very intricate cut paper work of the cutest cast of characters you ever saw. She is a SAHM to Diego and Isabella who are no doubt the inspiration for her designs, and married to Ramel, an artist in his own right. If you get a chance, check out her Etsy store--if it hasn't all sold out yet!
Julie Stiles Mills (no, not the actress Julia Stiles) has several blogs, but the one I read most often is
Pragmatic Compendium. I won my first giveaway from her site--a copy of "Kite Runner". Julie is so very down to earth, funny, and caring. She would deserve the award for
this entry alone, but you must read more. One of her posts gives a website where you can figure out how much your donations to charity thrift shops are worth for tax deduction purposes. She's a very handy gal to have around!
I don't remember how I found
Wendy of
Wisdom of the Moon, but I'm glad I did, if for no more than her
worm composting tutorial. What a blast! She has 4 kiddos, "only one of who was raised from scratch", is in love with her husband and is trying to tread lightly on the world. I've only been reading her blog for about 3 weeks now, but she's on my Reader already.
A blogger I found last week is
Jessie, of
Diary of a Self-Portrait. She has re-started her "Be Brave" movement (check her July 8 entry), and I am giving it some serious thought. Jessie is an artist with a passion for dogs and life. I am enjoying reading her past entries and learning more about her.
Last, but most definitely not least, is
Stefani of
Blue Yonder. Mom to 3 bright, active, funny little boys, she writes of her and her husband's efforts to raise these little guys into wonderful men. She turns everything into a life experience or memory for them. We should all have such moms. Life is never dull there, and
this post will have you rolling in the aisles. Once you start reading her blog, you're hooked. It's a healthy addiction, though.
Well, that's the roster. My Google Reader list is getting longer and longer by the day, and now I'm starting to have to choose between sewing and blog-reading. (I already chose between my blogroll and housework; THAT one was a no-brainer). If it comes down to choosing between work and visiting all my blog friends, well, we might be back on the red beans and rice diet.
Now for the second part of the "Twice the Fun" title, and your reward for sticking with this extra-long post: I'm having a giveaway.
I know, it's about darn time! Well, I missed my 100th post, and I missed my one year blogiversary, but there are always events to be celebrated here in blogland, no?
Sometime in the next week or so will be my 200th post. (Good Lord willing and the creeks don't rise.) Also, it's my birthday. Today. It was at ten past midnight, to be exact,
so let the party begin!
First in the package:

That's a yard of 100% cotton, quilt shop quality fabric, from the "101 Wishes" line by Makower. With it is a little box of tiny gold glass beads, suitable for embellishing or other crafts, and a strip of hand-painted silk.

Next is a package of inkjet magnetic sheets:

I don't remember why I bought these, nor why I bought so many, but the package has never been opened, and I'm sure one of you crafty ladies can figure out a use for them.
Next up:

A package of three little brass stencil cards, also never used.
A set of small rubber stamps with symbols for sun, moon, sky, star:

I still love rubber stamping but I have more than I will ever use. (Not that that has ever stopped me before.) These can be used with fabric paint to stamp labels for the backs of quilts, or on aprons, or with regular ink for stationery, etc.
This is a hanging magnetic board with 2 magnets:

won a giveaway at BooMama's blog, and couldn't decide which of two items I wanted more, so I won one and bought the other.
I have the wrapped canvas hanging in the kitchen above my Hoosier, but really don't have a place for this board. Since I have the saying on a bracelet already, I thought I'd pass this one on to another life-lover.
Finally, remember the little quiltlet I was making for my swap partner that is too small for the requirements? It's such a cute pattern, and I'm already making myself a larger one, so I will finish this little one and include it. But I can't post a photo until I get the swap quilt mailed off.
Other things might find their way into the box, too, being as it's still a week til it gets mailed. You never know.
Okay, how do you win? Post a comment on this entry anytime between now and midnight July 30. That's it. Well, you have to give me at least an email address or a blogsite so I can reach you, of course. I'll write these all down on strips of paper and have J-Man pick one out at random. Now is the time for all you lurkers to show yourselves! Come out, come out, wherever you are!